Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Infertility Blows

Even after being off of birth control for 8 months, we still had no kids. We weren’t really trying, but we weren’t using protection either. I personally knew plenty of people who got pregnant while using protection.  I’m a product of that very same situation.  My mom had a 3 month old at home and got pregnant with me even when they used a condom. I guess I was persistent. ;-P.  So, why wasn’t I getting pregnant. 

Picture of "Fertility Angel" painting

After my husband deployed, I started working out more, but not over doing it, and eating healthier. I was determined to get pregnant when he got back. Before he left, he didn’t really want kids, but wasn’t against it if it happened.  When he got back, he wanted a baby as much as I did and wanted to start trying for one right away.  I was ecstatic when he told me that. So there we were trying to conceive, and then BOOM, a ruptured cyst, the next day while working.  I didn’t think too much of it, so we kept trying.  When the next cycle was getting closer I started “feeling” pregnant. Nauseous, tender breasts, etc. I was a day late, and we were both getting excited, then BOOM, another ruptured cyst. 

I could NOT get pregnant and I didn’t know why.  Girls all around me were announcing their pregnancies, and I had to keep making excuses as to why I wasn’t pregnant yet.  I was frustrated beyond relief.  FINALLY, my husband wants to actively try for a baby, and I can’t make one. What was wrong with me? My family is the most fertile bunch you’ll ever meet.  I mean, they sneeze and they’re pregnant.  I’m the only one left in my family without a baby. 

After finally getting to a OB/GYN and getting MANY tests, we found out that I had Endometriosis, and it was causing my right ovary to cyst up.  Apparently my left ovary is extremely shy and is quite lazy.  I had surgery to remove a big cyst and some of the endo, and had the last shot of my Depot Lupron treatment March 5, 2012, and I still haven’t started my new cycle.  I took a HPT and it was negative.  I’m very into herbal teas and bought a tea called, “FertiliTea” and it’s not that bad.  A little sugar and it’s actually pretty tasty.  I read the reviews on it and it sounds promising.  A GYN fertility expert created it and is doctor recommended.  I wanted to try this first, because my GYN talked about putting me on clomid if I don’t start soon, and I heard some bad things about it. I just want to try a more natural route. I’ve already had surgery and went through chemical menopause. I don’t want any more medication.  I will keep y’all updated on how well this stuff works. I just pray my husband and I conceive soon.  I’m tired of the disappointment of negative HPTs and not being able to join my friends and family in their pregnancy announcements.  We’ll see what happens. :-)

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