Friday, June 1, 2012

The Gift Of Patience Or Lack There Of. :-P

Usually, I am a VERY patient person.  I started dating my husband almost a decade ago. We finally got married in 2009 and he deployed the day after our first anniversary for a whole year. Yeah, I'd say I'm pretty freaking patient. lol.  Lately, my patience has quickly dissipated over this fertility issue.  I mean, I know it's all a waiting game anyways, but I feel like the days are DRAGGING!! It's only day 12 of my cycle and the status on my monitor is still the same.  I know that ovulation usually occurs around day 14.  So 2 days, right? I seems like FOREVER!! lol.  I guess part of me is afraid that I'm not going to ovulate and I just want to hurry up and see if it'll happen.  Honestly, I'll probably be a blubbering mess when my monitor says I peaked. lol.  But then I'll quickly snap out of it and get to it.


I read that if the guy drinks a cup of coffee just before the baby-making occurs, that it makes the swimmers super hyper and faster. I'm going to do more research on this before I shove coffee down his throat.  I've also read that a man's sperm count is higher in the morning.  SOOO, in other words, as soon as my monitor tells me I'm peaking, I'm making a cup of coffee and bringing it to my husband in the morning before he leaves for work. lol.  I already told him I was going to do that, and he said okay to it. I love that man. lol.  Here's the link supporting the coffee theory:

CUTE picture!
Do NOT give babies coffee!! LOL Just the daddy 
before "baby-making" time.

Hopefully Sunday will bring me good news.  Before, instead of the egg releasing, it would just turn into a cyst and rupture.  That is another fear of mine.  I know God has a plan for us, but I'm just praying is doesn't include pain, again.  I have to cut this short so I can get ready for work.  They're keeping a TIGHT leash on me and I don't even get to practice, but MAYBE once a week. LAME!! Oh well.  I'll post another entry on Sunday.  Hopefully it will be an exciting update. I will continue to pray for all of you! Baby dust all around!! 

Good Luck and God Bless,

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