Monday, June 4, 2012

Who's Ovulating? .... This Girl!!!! :-)

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday.  I was a little down since my status didn't change like I thought it would.  BUT, today that all changes!! My husband had to get up at 4:30AM to get ready for his 5:50AM PT formation, so since I was a little awake, and since it was within my testing window, I tested again this morning. It says I'm PEAKING!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!  That means that I'll ovulate within 24 to 48 hours!! I'm so freaking excited!! Here are the pictures of my test stick and the monitor! :-D Yay!

 The line on the right (I believe) is the test line, because the one on the left is 
the only one that has really changed. It wasn't there before. :-)
Look at that!!! How exciting is that!! WOOHOO!!

I couldn't go back to sleep after seeing this, so I decided to update y'all instead! The ONLY thing that I'm slightly afraid of is that instead of the egg releasing, it might turn into a cyst.  CJ told me I shouldn't worry about that because my OB/GYN cleaned out a lot of the endo when I had the surgery and I should be good to go.  I think it's just because it happened EVERY TIME I ovulated last year except in Nov and Dec.  But that was when the cyst didn't rupture and decided to hang around and grow.  I just didn't ovulate after that.  BUT I'm going to stay optimistic this go around!  

God has been SO good to us and has blessed us in so many ways lately.  It seems like everything in my life is falling into place for our future family.  We found an amazing deal on a used 2011 Chevy Tahoe.  So I have my family vehicle.  I finally have a job, but it's at the dojang, and since they have me working there, I can't practice Taekwondo except for MAYBE once a week now.  I passed my national exam, so now I can get my license in massage and get a job I enjoy and is not stressful.  And finally, my husband and I are closer than we've ever been.

So, since CJ left before I tested, I couldn't shove coffee down his throat like I had planned, so looks like when I get home from work, I'll have to make him a cup. LOL!  I texted him to let him know I wasn't broken and that the monitor said I peaked and he replied, "YAY!!!".  I love that man so much.  lol.  He makes me so happy and keeps me smiling. :-)

I'm so excited I can't even think straight.  I didn't get emotional and cry like I thought I would when I saw the monitor this morning, I just squealed a little. LOL!  I can't tell y'all how much I pray and hope that this is our turn. We've been eating the right things, I've been staying away from caffeine, and all the other precautions that I found in research.  I'm paying close attention to my body so I'll be able to notice any changes if we finally happen to succeed.  OH man, I don't know how I'm going to focus at work today.  All I'm going to be able to think about is babymaking. lol.

This is such a cool picture.  Only ONE little guy will make it in the egg.

I highly recommend this monitor I'm using.  Amazon ALWAYS has the best prices for everything.  It's the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor.  The only down side it that you have to buy the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks to go with it and they come in a pack of 30. They are cheapest on  It usually uses 10 sticks per cycle so it should last you three cycles.  It could use up to 20 stick in one cycle or until you ovulate.  It says it's 99% accurate and after reading TONS of reviews on it, I have to say I believe it.  It measures your Lh and Estrogen levels each day until you peak.  And then WE do the rest.  The other cool thing about it is if you do achieve pregnancy, you know the EXACT time you conceived.  It doesn't tell you that you conceived, but since it tells you when you ovulate, you can calculate when you conceived.

Wow, NOW I'm tired. I guess the adrenaline from all the excitement just wore off. lol.  I know for a fact I'm going to have a HARD time waiting to take a pregnancy test later on. lol.  I just want to be a mom so bad.  I just want that moment of extreme excitement when I get my BFP to be so special.  When that moment comes, and I have COMPLETE faith that it will, I'm going to record it.  I've also planned out how I'm going to tell CJ and our families, and I'll record all that as well.  Wish us luck and pray we have success, ladies, and I'll continue to pray for all of you.  

For all you ladies out there TTC.  Baby Dust all around!!

Good Luck and God Bless,

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