I know that when I first started to research ways to help us conceive, I found myself SO confused on the acronyms some of the people and Dr's were using. I had to do research for my research. lol! Well, I'm hoping that this will help some of you out there who are as confused as I was.
Haha!! That's happened a lot.
- BFP= Big Fat Positive (Positive Pregnancy Test)
- BFN= Big Fat Negative (Negative Pregnancy Test)
- TTC= Trying to Conceive
- BD= Baby Dance (Sex)
- BMS= Baby Making Sex
- TCOYF=Taking Charge of Your Fertility
- AF= Aunt Flow (Your Menstrual Period)
- DPO= Days Past Ovulation
- O= The Big O or Ovulation
- 2ww= 2 week wait (The time between ovulation and AF, or between ovulation and BFP)
- RE= Reproductive Endocrinologist (A fertility doctor)
- CM= Cervical Mucus
- EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus
- DH= Dear Husband (Also DS, DD for Dear Son, Dear Daughter, DF, DM for Dear Father, Dear Mother)
- OPK- Ovulation Predictor Kit
- POAS- Pee on a stick (Take a pregnancy test)
- BBT = Basal Body Temperature
- CD= Cycle Day (Cycle Day 1, the first day of your menstrual cycle)
- CB: Cycle Buddy (someone who shares the same cycle dates as you)
- CF = Cervical Fluid (Another term for Cervical Mucus)
- IVF= In-Vitro Fertilization
- IUI=Intra-Uterine Insemination
- FMU= First Morning Urine
- PCOS= Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Endo= Endometriosis
I got this information from another blogger at : http://www.journeytobfp.com/2010/12/cracking-fertility-code-ttc.html
So thanks to my OPK I'm know I'm 2DPO and after my 2ww I can POAS using FMU and get my BFP and then surprise my DH. HAHA! Sorry, had to do it. This is actually what a lot of the research looked like when I first started looking. Needless to say I felt SO lost.
So Sweet!! How cool is this picture!?!? Apparently dolphins can tell
when a woman is pregnant. I may have to test this theory one day.
Here's to understanding each other now, and here's to tons of baby dust and high chances of getting your BFP!! I'll continue to pray for all of you ladies.
Good luck and God Bless,
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