I'm not going to list much about how I feel or what's going on with my body for a few weeks, because I know my mom reads my posts sometimes, HEY MOMMA, and lets face it, we want to surprise our parents. If God does bless us with a surprise, then I'll write a post, after the family reveals, about how I felt from 1 DPO to my BFP followed by, hopefully, video of the surprises.
All my information is from research I found on medical websites and were ALWAYS posted by OB/GYNS or interviews with them.
First of all, before "babymaking", we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to get our bodies in shape and eating the right things to produce the healthiest eggs, and for men the healthiest sperm. Look to one of my previous posts for information on the right foods and stuff. Also, just FYI, I stopped drinking my FertiliTea 2 days before I ovulated.
It takes 3 months for men to create sperm. So 3+ months before you start trying is when you want to start eating the RIGHT foods and taking vitamins. For ladies the is also the perfect time to start taking pre-natals. You want to start taking them before you get pregnant because then you have all the nutrients the baby needs before they even settle in.
To track when you're ovulating will be different for EVERY woman depending on the length of their cycle. It's usually 1.5 to 2 weeks before your next period. The are a lot of ways to track it. Basal body temperature (BBT) is one way that a lot of women use, and probably one of the cheapest. You can buy a basal thermometer at your local drug store. What you do is as SOON as you wake up, before you even move, you take your BBT. I suggest keeping the thermometer on your night stand. Since I have endo, I learned that this method didn't really work for me. With a normal healthy woman, you will have a base line temp that fluctuates slightly. When your BBT dips then rises quickly to a peak, that means ovulation has already occurred. Ovulation happens right after your temperature dips. If it stays elevated 2 weeks after your next period, you're most likely pregnant, but the missed period should have been a big hint too. lol. ;-P Here is a picture of what BBT tracking looks like.
It usually takes a few cycles of charting to understand when you ovulate.
If you achieve pregnancy, your temp will stay high, but like I said, everyone is different.
The cheapest way to track ovulation is observing your cervical mucus, because that's free. Gross, yes, but it works for some people. They say that dry or sticky mucus means not fertile. Creamy is possibly fertile, watery is fertile, and an egg white type mucus is very fertile. Usually the egg white type happens during ovulation.
This is such a perfect chart. (Based on a 28 day cycle)
Another and more accurate way of tracking your ovulation is to measure your hormones. You can do this by buying an ovulation kit at your local drug store or online at amazon.com. This is the method I'm using. I have the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor. My mom bought me the monitor and I bought the test stick online at amazon. She really wants a grandbaby from me. At the drug store the test sticks are $55 and at amazon they are $37 for 30 test sticks. You want the same brand test sticks as your monitor. What mine does is that it measure your LH and Estrogen levels. When they peak means that you will ovulate within 24 to 48 hours. Pretty awesome stuff!
That's right. #1 Recommended brand.
Helps reduce the time it takes to conceive.
Now onto what to do before "babymaking" and when to do it. Research says that in the morning is when men have the most potent sample. I'm not a morning person and my husband leaves at 4am, so neither of us are in the mood that early. Also, they say that ONE cup of coffee moments before you get it on will help the mobility of the sperm. The caffeine gives them an extra boost.
Dr's have said that having sex at least 3 times a week will give you the BEST chances of getting pregnant. If you're not into doing it that often, then they said that doing it 2 days before, the day of, and the day after ovulation will also give you high chances. The ovum will only survive for about 12 to 24 hours after ovulation. Sperm, however, can live up to 5 to 7 days. 7 days is rare, but it is possible.
Have fun! Don't make it a routine chore. Spice it up! ;-)
Also, don't lose the romance while doing it. Yes, trying to conceive (TTC) can be such a chore and routine, but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun while doing it. Dress up, or down ;-), light a few candles, try a different room, put on some music, or try some foreplay. Dr's say that orgasm helps with conception because it opens the cervix and allows more sperm to pass through. So do what you gotta do to make it better. The more fun, the better the chances.
Everyone is confused on what's the best position. My OB/GYN told me that missionary postion (guy on top, girl on bottom) is the best position for conception. It places the sperm closest to the cervix than with any other position when he ejaculates. Also she said to place a pillow under my hips and lay there on my back for 20 to 30 minutes. Don't get too big of a pillow or raise your hips too high because you could actually prevent them from entering. Also, use a sperm friendly lubricant if necessary. There is one called "Pre-Seed" that was created by an OB/GYN to help aid the sperm and increase chances for conception. Use can slather it on, or you can use the applicators that come with it to apply internally.
The applicators are on the right. At the top of the box
it says, "Seriously fun baby-making." ;-)
I've also found through research that his fastest swimmers can reach the egg in 30 to 45 minutes!! All others could take up to 12 hours. What a difference!! Out of 100-600 million sperm, which is in one ejaculation, far fewer actually survive to make it to the cervix. They have to swim through the cervix and all the way up to the fallopian tube containing the egg. Only ONE sperm from that bunch will penetrate the egg. Once it does, the egg outer protein layer changes and goes on "lockdown" and prevents any other sperm from entering it. That one lucky super sperm sheds it's outer skin and releases what will create the complete makeup of your future baby including the sex. The Mom can only offer the X chromosome, so the dad's sperm that penetrates the egg has to carry and Y chromosome to make it a boy (XY), or another X to make is a girl (XX). The sperm containing the Y chromosome are smaller and faster than the ones containing the X chromosome, so they die off quicker and are less likely to make it in a more acidic environment. The days JUST before and the day of ovulation are the best days to conceive a boy because the mucus the woman creates is the least acidic.
After the egg has been penetrated and fertilized the cells start rapidly spliting and the egg makes a journey down the fallopian tube, to the uterus, and finally around, 9DPO, implants itself into the endometrium that built up due hormones getting the body ready for pregnancy. So it takes roughly 9 days, on average, after ovulation to implant. On that day, some women have felt cramping and spotting. That is due the the egg burrowing itself in the lining of your uterus. Some women have also noticed pregnancy symptoms starting that same day.
Pregnancy symptoms are very similar to PMS symptoms and are all too often mistaken as so. Here is a list of early pregnancy symptoms that you may know about, and others you may not know about.
Wishing you ladies the best of luck!!
- Shortness of Breath: Because your growing fetus needs extra oxygen to grow so it may leave you a little breathless at times.
- Sore Breasts: Tender and heavy-feeling breasts, darkening of the areolas and even more pronounced veins on your chest can be a first sign that you're pregnant
- Fatigue: Due to increased hormones in your body during pregnancy.
- Nausea: Most women experience this around 6 weeks, but some have experienced it earlier. Try eating crackers or ginger ale to help ease your stomache.
- Frequent Urination: Due to your body produces extra fluids during pregnancy.
- Headaches: Due to changes in hormones. Be sure to take pregnancy safe acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen. Ask your doctor which ones are safe for you.
- Backaches: Due to the ligaments in your back loosening for pregnancy. Sorry, this one may last a while.
- Cramping: Due to implantation and then stretching of your uterus getting ready for the baby.
- Cravings or Food Aversions: Again, due to hormone changes.
- Constipation and Bloating: Due to extra progesterone, slowing down your digestive system.
- Mood Swings: Due to, you guessed it, new hormones. Warn, and assure your hubby that it'll pass.
- Elevated Basal Body Temperature: If you are pregnant, it'll stay elevated 2 weeks after you were suppose to start.
- Super Smell: Do I have to keep saying it? Hormone changes!! lol
- Dizziness or Fainting: Due to low blood sugar or blood pressure. Stay hydrated and eat enough to prevent this.
- Spotting: Due to implantation of the egg into your uterine lining. Some women mistake this for their period.
- Late Period: This is the obvious one. Due to, DUH, you're pregnancy! lol. We all pray for this, I know!
- Positive Pregnancy Test: Do NOT take the test too early because it could result in a false negative. Wait till your period is late, if it still says negative and you're not starting, wait a couple more days, or call your Dr. If it's a BFP, then YAY!! You did it!
I'll continue to post about health before pregnancy and during. I'll continue to pray for all of you! Have a great day!! ;-)
Good Luck and Good Bless,
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