Friday, May 18, 2012

Anyone have jumper cables for my ovaries? ... hello?

Hello ladies and Possible Gents!!

      So, I had my appointment with my PCM and everything with my heart is fine, besides my BPM getting dangerously low every now and then throughout the day, but other than that, I'm fine. lol. Also, I asked her for a pregnancy test, "just in case" and like I thought, negative.  I just wanted to be sure.  I know I said I refused to be hopeful, but is it wrong to say I was a little disappointed? Oh well, one day.

Yes actually. My period, have you seen it?

STILL no cycle! I'm so frustrated with my lady system! I feel like my reproductive system is boycotting my need for a baby.  Maybe my uterus is vain and doesn't want to change itself so it's "teaching me a lesson" by not letting me put a baby in there to stretch it out. lol I don't know. I have to find humor in something, or I'd lose my mind and end up focusing on the negative.

Anyways, I've been researching different medications to "jump start" my cycle.  I know, I can't believe I'm resorting to medication as appose to herbs either, but the herbs don't seem to be doing much of anything as far as making my cycle start.  I can tell a difference in my "lady" health, but other than that, I got nothing. 

I took this today of my tracker.  It's actually been longer than that because the last cycle I had was Jan 4th.  Yeah, it's been awhile.

What I found in my research was a Rx called Provera.  Not the depot shot, but a pill.  It's a pill that helps you start 10 days after you take the last pill. I've read a bunch of reviews about it and some girls complained about it making them irritable, sleepy, bloated, etc.  Basically it's making them feel like they are about to start, PMS, so I don't see why they are complaining.  It's what they wanted.  Heck, I want that! My appointment with the OB/GYN is June 13th and I think I'm going to ask her about this Rx.  I wish I could start it sooner. I doubt she'd just fill me a prescription without seeing me. It's not like it's a controlled substance. It's more of a "Hey! Gimme my period!" kind of substance. 

I'm still drinking my Fertilitea and like I said I've notice subtle changes, but no cycle.  If any on of you has ever had Sleepytime Tea, which is an herbal sleep aid tea, then you know what Fertilitea tastes like. The taste is almost identical.  I'm drinking it 2 to 3 times a day.  Twice a day on days I don't have taekwondo and 3 on my relax and just study days.  Tonight is my last night at taekwondo because I'm testing for my yellow belt then just taking a break from it for a while. More like a financial break from it.  Those classes are not cheap by any means. 

I'm guess, at my appointment, she'll do a blood test to check things before putting me on anything. Which I'm not against. I just hating waiting that long for an appointment.  I'm going to have to wait longer for the results of the blood test and make another appointment to actually hear those results and then see what she'll decide to put me on.  

"Take a number? Let's see, A84. Okay sweet!! What number are we on? .....  J07? ..... *sigh* I'll get my sleeping bag. Wake me when it starts over."

I once read a friend's post that said having faith in God is also having faith in His timing.  I have faith in Him completely and know that he's going to bless me with something special.  All I need to do now is pray for patients.  I'll continue to pray for all the ladies out there having fertility issues and pray y'all are blessed with a big, chunky, happy, healthy baby one day. Good luck ladies and God Bless. I'll post again, hopefully tomorrow, but it may be a really short one because we're having a cookout here at the house with friends.  I'm making pulled pork! MMMmmmMMM! I'm excited! ;-)

Yours Truly,

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