Monday, May 21, 2012

FertiliTea Review and Approval!

Okay ladies, as I promised, here's the review of the FertiliTea I've been drinking.

FertiliTea, an all-natural herbal tea to support reproductive health and optimize your chances of CONCEIVING!

  • Doctor Designed to support overall reproductive health
  • complete spectrum of fertility-enhancing ingredients
  • Only organic and wildcrafted herbal ingredients
  • Delicious mint flavor!
That is what's on the front of the golden bag. I was SO excited when I got this piece of gold in the mail 3 days after ordering. I started using it right away, about four weeks ago.  I started noticing changes after the first week of drinking this everyday 3 times a day.  Things just seemed healthier and happier down there. lol. I started cramping slightly after that week as well. Not bad cramping, but the kind that lets you know things are moving and starting to work.  I started to doubt it, but still drank it everyday because I thought it just maintained health. Plus, I love hot tea, and with a little raw cane sugar, it taste amazing. Four weeks of using this tea and I FINALLY started my period after not having one since January 4th. Granted, I had been chemically induced into menopause for 3 months, but should have started last month. I haven't been able to get pregnant due to endometriosis, but I had surgery and treatment to help.  I ordered the tea because I knew I wasn't starting when I should have and the doctor was talking about putting me on Clomid, but I wanted to try something more natural first.  I have always hated taking medication.  I'm not a tree hugger or hippie by any means (no offense), I just hate medication, chemicals, things that are unnatural. I truly believe this tea helped, ladies, and I believe it can help y'all as well. 

Pretty golden bag! I couldn't help it, but the song, "I've got the golden ticket, I've got a golden sparkle in my eye.." popped in my head when I opened it. I know I'm nerdy! lol!

This tea was designed by Amos Grunebaum, MD, an internationally recognized fertility expert. FertiliTea is the only herbal tea that offers a complete spectrum of fertility-enhancing ingredients.  Here are the ingredients and their purpose:

Chasteberry (VITEX): Stimulates the hormones involved with ovulations and helps restore female hormonal balance

Red Raspberry Leaf: A potent fertility-promoting herb and a highly nutritive ingredient.

Green Tea: A powerful antioxidant to promote reproductive health

Ladies Mantle: Helps regulate the monthly cycle and tone the cervix

Nettle Leaf: Rich in vitamins and minerals that are critical to good reproductive health

Peppermint Leaf: Gives a delicious flavor ... and serves as a sexual stimulant! ;-)

These are all the ingredients in the 3oz bag, which is a month supply.  All you have to use is one teaspoon per a cup.  Boil water in a kettle till boiling, then pour into a mug and steep the tea, IN A TEA STEEPER, cover and let steep for 5 minutes.  Strain out any leaves (the some of the pieces are so small it doesn't matter if it's left in there).  Drink 2-3 times a day and enjoy!! I preferred 3 because I felt the more I drank, the better it would work, and faster. It's just MY theory. Everyone is different. Do not reuse the tea in the steeper, change it out every time.

WARNING: Once you do achieve pregnancy confirmed by HPT or a doctor's visit, or even if you suspect you might be pregnant, STOP drinking the tea since it contains VITEX and red raspberry leaf.  Red raspberry leaf can induce labor or cause miscarriage.

You can get tea steepers, or infusers, online or at your grocery stores. I suggest getting them online. The ones at the stores usually drop a lot of the tea leaves in your cup. Not good.

This is a normal tea steeper/infuser. You just put the teaspoon of tea in the ball, close it, and drop it in leaving the chain hanging out for easy removal.

This is my tea steeper/infuser.  Why not have fun making tea, right? It's cute and floats in your cup like a rubber ducky. Once you remove the duck, it has a nifty little stand to hold it in.

I hope this review helped.  If y'all have any questions, just comment me and I'll do my best to answer them for you.  I hope and pray for the best for each of you and pray your dreams of conceiving come true soon and for me as well! ;-)

Here's the link to the wonderful Fertilitea:

Good luck and God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. I have started to take this tea on the 27th of September 2015 and this week I have cramps like I'm about to menstruate and it's uncomfortable. What is causing this? Pls help
