Friday, May 25, 2012

Update and Prayers For Those With Infertility

Sorry it's so late, but I've been so busy and I finally have time to post like I promised I would  today.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to use my first test stick with my monitor today.  I misread the instructions and it actually asks for it on the 6th day of the cycle. Eventually, once the monitor learns and records my cycle patterns, it says that it could start asking for a "first test of the cycle" anywhere from day 6 to day 9 of the cycle.  I'm just praying that I'll only have to use this monitor once.  Then maybe again years down the road when we want a second child. :-)  BUT, let's just work on "numero uno" first. lol. I don't want to get ahead of myself.  

I'm feeling REALLY optimistic about this cycle. I don't know why, I just do.   It has seemed so nice and normal, not that I know what normal is like, I'm just assuming because I've felt no pain and it was nowhere NEAR as heavy as it use to be.  It's been amazing really.  I'm already done with it.  :-O  It's crazy really. The only thing I have experienced was extreme fatigue.  I've been SO much happier since I started.  My husband just told me that he's excited too, and feel optimistic as well.  That warmed me up and made my heart smile.  Everything seems to be falling into place.  God has been SO good to us.  I just can't wait to see what he has waiting around the corner.  

I found these 12 prayers for infertility and I found of them really comforting.  There's a prayer for EVERY religion.  One that I personally liked most was:

Lord, help me to know that You are enough. Take my eyes off of myself. Take my eyes off of the child I desire. Help me to delight myself in You. Mold the desires of my heart to be in line with Your will. I don't want to need to be a mother more than I need to be your humble, obedient child. I don't want wanting to have a baby to be a stumbling block between You and me anymore.

Lord, I want to give this desire, this drive, this ache up to You. Help me not to snatch it back as I so often do with the burdens I place in Your hands. Help me to be truly content with Your will and Your timing.

Lord, You know that I still desire a baby - someone to mold, teach, train, shape, guide, and help to grow in You. But until the day You give me that joyous blessing, help me to grow in You. Let me reach out to those around me. Let me witness and minister to the children You place in my path.

Lord, if adoption is the path You would have us take, prepare our hearts, and prepare the child who will share our home. If adoption is not Your will for our lives, keep me from pushing ahead of Your plan. Help me to stay submitted to my husband's will, and to Your will. If we are headed in the wrong direction, change our hearts.

Thank You for lifting my burden. Help me to keep You first! Let me seek Your face daily, and let me know that You are enough!

Here is the link to the website with the rest of the prayers:

A little motivation for everyone. :-)

I hope y'all find some comfort in these prayers and I pray God blesses you with the child your heart desires so much for.  If any of you have any questions, leave them in the comments below and I'll will answer the best I can.  It's late, so I gotta get to bed and snuggle with my hubby. ;-) He has a 4 day weekend thanks to Memorial Day.  Be safe and have a fun filled and blessed Memorial Weekend!

Good Luck and God Bless,


  1. You are so thoughtful and nice Ashley. Your prayers is comforting and giving me more hope. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. God knows the deepest desires or your heart and as long as you live your life in his name, he will bless your with those desires. He really is an amazing God. We just have to have faith in his timing, even if it means waiting a little longer. The wait, I assure you, is well worth it. I'll continue to pray for you in hopes that your desires are met and you are blessed with the baby you've always dreamed of. :-)
