Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CD 3 and so much anticipation!

Here we are day 3 of my cycle and everything is going great so far.  It seems like it's SO much better than they use to be.  I know I keep saying that, but it's true.  I have, however, been extremely tired. I could sleep ALL day if I was allowed to. lol. But, I have to work today. Well more like volunteer because I'm still not getting paid yet. I'm not going to attend Taekwondo today either.  I mean it will be our first time attending the black belt club class (we finally got invited into it), but I'm just so dang tired. 

SO, 2 more days, I believe, and I get to use my first test stick for my fertility monitor!! YAY! I'm so excited. My husband is too, just as much as I am.  He looks at me different now.  With more excitement in his eyes and happiness.  I mean, I don't know if I was just depressed, but when I wasn't starting and as soon as we found out I couldn't have children (before the surgery), I felt SO unattractive. I felt like a failure as a woman, less than a woman.  I started asking him if he still loved me and if he was still attracted to me.  I got REAL insecure.  I know he would NEVER cheat on me, but at that time, part of me felt like I wouldn't blame him if he left me and found a fertile woman who could bare him children.  I blame the jacked up hormones too.  Apparently, I was a little crazy and I'm not afraid to admit it.  My poor husband had to deal with my major mood swings, but shortly after I'd always apologize for my actions.  I got really bad just before I started. Whew I'm glad that's over with. I asked my husband if I've been better since I started and with wide eyes he nodded really fast. LOL.

HAHAHA! I showed this to CJ and he laughed pretty hard. 
This is pretty accurate. LOL

I am so blessed to have such an amazing man who willingly stuck by my side through all of this. We are both can't wait to start trying again. We feel VERY optimistic about this cycle.  Now, the only thing I'm wondering is that if the fact he's having to ride his motorcycle again will affect our chances of conceiving.  I'm not saying that his boys are questionable at all.  I'm just curious.  I also just want everything to be 100% ready to go.  We both really want this to happen.  I'm still drinking my FertiliTea to keep all my stuff healthy and welcoming. lol. He's taking a multivitamin and we're both eating really well.  I was bored and ended up researching fertility foods for "happy swimmers" and stuff like that, and I found that the foods that we've already been enjoying was actually on the list. lol. Woohoo!!

I read that eggs, red meats, wild caught fish, and organic produce is great for fertility in men.  Good thing I've been on a deviled egg craze the last few months. LOL. I've also read that hot baths, motorcycles, and whitie tighties are bad for the boy's swimmers.  Well, we're 1 out of 2.  He hasn't riden his bike in 2 years, but since his Jeep died and I need to get to work somehow to help pay for classes, he had to renew his registration and start riding again.  He rides a crotch rocket.  I don't know what kind, just that it's REALLY fast.  Supposedly hot baths reduce the sperm count, the vibrations from a motorcycle damage and reduce count, and whitie tighties do the same.  Who wears whitie tighties anymore anyways? lol.  

Anyways, I'm not really worried about my husband's fertility.  I guess I'm still worried about my own and wondering if it's going to happen this time.  I'm praying that this time I'll get my bfp! No more negatives! AH I'm so nervous! Happy thoughts, ladies! Happy thoughts!!!!

I sure hope so!

Well, we'll see what happens ladies! I'm sure I'll post another entry when I start using the test strips for my monitor. I'll do a product review on the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor as well, after it shows my peak and I, hopefully, skip the next period. Cross your fingers and pray ladies.  I continue to pray for all of you for the best of luck and health.  

Good luck and God Bless,


  1. I've been wanting to read your blog since you posted it on FB, and today I finally read all of your posts! I love your blog. The crazy thing is, I know how you feel. It's been mine and Brian's little secret that I've had 2 miscarriages in the past 10 months. It's been a roller coaster ride along the way. We haven't gotten any answers from doctors other than they were just flukes, however, I feel like something is wrong. I've been tested before, no endo, no cysts, I'm ovulating and cycling regularly. However, I get pregnant, stay pregnant for 4 weeks, and then on the 5th week, boom, I miscarry. All my levels drop, and I then have no symptoms and no proof of being pregnant on tests. I've gotten my hopes up twice now on being pregnant. I'm deathly afraid to get pregnant again and miscarry. I want so badly to be pregnant and have children, but having to go through another miscarriage is just mind-blowing to me.

    So, what I wanted to say is, I understand your struggles, your fears, your hopes, etc. I wish you and CJ the VERY best, and just know that you're not alone in this journey, whatsoever. I'll be praying like crazy for ya'll! Thanks for reaching out to others who are going through alike situations. I don't feel so alone anymore!

    1. Oh Amber. I'm so sorry to hear that has happened to you. I have had a miscarriage myself a few years back, but haven't been able to get pregnant since. I know God is going to bless you one day. I just know it, I don't know how I know, I just do. Right now, you're going through "tests of faith" as I like to call them. God wants to see if you'll praise him and turn to him in these storms. I totally suggest trying the FertiliTea I've been talking about throughout my posts, though. I truly believe it has regulated my cycles and made a whole new kind of environment in my lady parts. lol. Amazon has the cheapest price for it. If there's ANYTHING at all you need to know or just want to talk, I'm just a message away. I'll be praying for you and Brian. Y'all WILL have a beautiful baby one day. Just keep telling yourself that over and over and believe it. You are such an amazing woman with such a sweet soul. God blesses people like you with the most precious gifts, but waits till just the right moments. Keep your head high and don't be afraid. It's going to happen. :-)
