Monday, May 21, 2012

Progress FINALLY!!

So after a few days of random cramps and bloating, basically PMS symptoms with no results, Aunt Flow FINALLY decided to show up!! I got a pretty bad migraine last night, when I haven't had one in Months, then realized why when I went to the restroom and notice some spotting. Now I get to use my Clearblue Easy Fertility monitor!! I've been drinking the fertilitea and I feel that is has definitely helped. So if you're having irregular cycles and trouble ovulating, give Fertilitea a try. It's about $14 on which is the cheapest I saw and I received it in 3 days after ordering.  You will need a tea steeper as well for this tea since it is loose leaf.

WOO!! I was so happy to hit the "I started today" button
P.S. This is an iPhone app called Period Tracker Deluxe for &1.99. It's a wonderful app.

Ladies, I can't tell you how happy I am that I started this morning.  I mean I started to spot last night and I started crying out of relief. My poor husband, lol, he just gave me a hug and a high five. I love that man.  

I just programmed my fertility monitor this morning and I guess in 5 or 6 days it'll ask for a test strip to check my hormone levels.  I praying this is the cycle. I know I should wait till I have at MOST 2 normal cycle before trying according to research, but my OB/GYN said it wouldn't hurt to try this round. So I'll take her word for it. :-)

I have a feeling that this might be it. I don't know why, I just feel healthier. As if my cycle has a purpose.  My husband are closer now than we've ever been and everything seems to be falling into place. I really pray this will work, but also because my husband might have to deploy again in February. I know that's a ways away, but I want him to be here for the first ultrasound and the first kick.  Plus, I'll have something else to keep my mind on while he's gone. Last time, it was just me and our dogs and let me tell you, it was LONELY. I mean, I had a job, but coming home by yourself and going to bed alone and waking up alone get really depressing. I had GREAT friends that kept me company as much as they could. This time, hopefully, I'll have a pregnancy to keep me busy and friends to help me out.

SO, back to the main topic. Since I started this morning, I'm still going to drink the Fertilitea, because it regulates the cycle, prepares the body for ovulation, and creates a fertile and safe environment for the fertilized egg to implant. I've also been taking prenatal vitamins for months now to make sure I have enough folic acid. Plus, the OB/GYN said that we could try even before I started a new cycle because I'd ovulate before I would start. She said the next time she sees me she wanted me to have a "bun in the oven", as she put it.  I told her I'd try my best. lol.

"Let's Make Babies" - "We Can Do It!"
Motivational picture really. lol!

Okay I'm going to have to cut it short today, but I'm going to post another entry after this one explaining the ingredients in the Fertilitea. Have a blessed day, ladies, and I'll be praying for y'all. 

Bring on the cramps! They are victory cramps in my eyes!

Be safe and God Bless,

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